A renowned British doctor and orthopaedic surgeon, Kar Hao Teoh, tragically lost his life during a family vacation in South Africa. The incident occurred when he mistakenly took a wrong turn while driving from Cape Town airport along with his wife Sara and their two-year-old son Hugo.
Born in Singapore but holding British nationality, Mr. Teoh was among the victims of a wave of violence that has erupted due to an ongoing strike.Â
Working both for the NHS and privately, Mr. Teoh was an esteemed trauma and orthopaedic consultant who had gained recognition through various international fellowships for his contributions in the field. He resided in Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire, with his family, and his professional base was at the NHS Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow.
Violent unrest unfolded across Cape Town as a reaction to the police’s action of impounding illegal vehicles, a situation that led to the tragic incident involving Mr. Teoh.
A highly distinguished professional, two years ago, Mr. Teoh received the Presidential Prize at the European Foot and Ankle Society conference in Lyon for his significant research on ankle fracture treatment.
Professionally, he worked for MSK Doctors in addition to his NHS position. Professor Paul Lee, a close friend of Mr. Teoh, paid a heartfelt tribute to him online, highlighting his exceptional contributions and unwavering support in various medical initiatives. Professor Lee expressed that Mr. Teoh’s loss left a profound void in the medical community and extended his condolences to the bereaved family.