The box office competition between the films “Barbie” and “Oppenheimer” has created a phenomenon dubbed “Barbenheimer” weekend. Early box office numbers on Friday indicate that “Barbie” is dominating “Oppenheimer” for the widespread theatrical release of both films. Both movies have had a strong start based on early showings on Wednesday and Thursday, with “Barbie” earning $22.3 million and “Oppenheimer” earning $10.5 million before the weekend.
Variety predicted that “Barbie” would make $100 million over the weekend, while “Oppenheimer” is expected to take in half of that. “Oppenheimer,” running for three hours, has fewer available showtimes and does not cater to family audiences, contributing to the difference in box office earnings.
Interestingly, many moviegoers are planning to see both films, with some even opting for consecutive showings on the same day. The National Association of Theater Owners estimated that up to 200,000 people will watch both movies in this manner during the weekend. AMC Theaters alone has sold 40,000 tickets for the “Barbenheimer” double feature.
The films themselves offer different experiences to the audiences. “Barbie” is a fun and nostalgic film, but it also includes social commentary crafted by writer/director Greta Gerwig. On the other hand, “Oppenheimer” is a historical epic that delves deep into the story beyond The Manhattan Project, but some critics argue that it loses focus and attempts to tackle too much.
Recent Google Trend reports also indicate that “Barbie” is garnering more interest from audiences, with searches for the movie surpassing those for “Oppenheimer.”