It’s been another terrible week for America. Not only is the nation being severely tested, we as individuals are being tested as almost never before.I know how hard it is to keep up your strength and determination in light of the daily onslaught from Trump, Musk, and their horrendous regime. It’s devastating and depressing to witness their attempts to intimidate lawyers, law firms, universities, the media, and every other institution of civil society. I thank you for hanging in there, nonetheless — protecting those who are most vulnerable, appearing at political town halls and demanding that Republicans be held accountable, demanding that Democrats speak out, holding “empty chair” town halls when your representative doesn’t show up, showing up for Bernie and AOC, organizing and mobilizing in Wisconsin and elsewhere, jamming the White House switchboard, and making good trouble when and however you can. I also thank you for reading and sharing this letter. In doing so, you’re helping inform and reassure many others. A few of you worry that I’m “preaching to the converted” and not reaching the people who need to be reached — mainly the followers of Trump and Musk. I sometimes worry about that, too. Yet most of you share my belief that we must know the truth if we’re to effectively persuade others. And that we must spread the truth about the disaster Trump and Musk and others are wreaking if we have any hope of reversing it. It’s also critical in these perilous times to know that each of us is not alone — to feel the strength and conviction from being part of a community that cares deeply about social justice, democracy, and the rule of law. And it’s important to speak out forcefully against Trump’s and Musk’s cruelty and injustices. We cannot wait for the Democratic Party or its leaders to speak out. Nor can we hold our tongues until the danger has passed. Nor can we be intimidated into submission — as have Columbia University, big law firms like Paul Weiss, and most large corporations and their CEOs. You are loudly and boldly proclaiming that what is happening is illegal and morally wrong, and your voice is more important now than ever before. Finally, we need to learn from this tragedy and plan for a future free from the failures that have led America to where we are today. Trump is the consequence — the culmination — of four decades during which America allowed inequalities to widen and political corruption to entrench itself. These must be reversed. They will be reversed. We will not rest until Trump is gone and the inequalities and corruption that he exploited to get elected are overcome. You and I are playing the long game. Thank you for your activism. Thank you for your courage. Thank you for keeping the flame alive. Because of you, we will prevail. NOW READ: Now is not the time to appeal to Trump voters — you need to demoralize themRobert Reich is a professor of public policy at Berkeley and former secretary of labor. His writings can be found at