Local residents say their lives are being blighted by rubbish and anti-social behaviour as they fight new alcohol licence plans
Local residents say their lives are being blighted by rubbish and anti-social behaviour as they fight new alcohol licence plans
Furious residents have say they are ‘losing their neighbourhood’ to dumping, antisocial behaviour and health hazards.
People living close to an area of Aigburth Road in the south of the city are objecting to plans from The Legacy Thai restaurant to be able to serve alcohol until 11pm every day of the week. The restaurant, based at 58 Aigburth Road on the border of Dingle and Aigburth, will have its plans debated and decided on at a Liverpool Council licensing committee meeting on Tuesday (March 18).
But locals believe allowing the venue to serve booze every night will only exacerbate existing issues in the area. Several residents have issued strong objections to the plans on the council’s website, with many complaining about the state of the area.
One local resident said they opposed the application because in recent years there has been an increase in antisocial behaviour in the alleyway at the back of the premises between Colebrooke Road and Lambton Road. They said this includes ‘evidence of substance misuse and noise pollution.’ They added: “Although this is not the sole responsibility of the applicant, I believe that granting an alcohol licence would exacerbate the problem.”
The resident said: “The problem of fly tipping and inappropriate refuse dumping is continuous. This is now a health hazard with blocked drains and rats. Although this is not solely related to 58 Aigburth Road, the changes proposed would bring greater foot fall to a short 50yd? stretch of Aigburth Road.”
They added: “This licence should not be granted. In fact it is my opinion that revoking licences for other premises between Blythswood Street and Colebrooke Road should be considered until the situation is under control.”
Another resident said: “This whole area has been subjected to a disgraceful continuous dumping of empty spirit and ale bottles/cans overfilled/broken litter bins parked outside of alley gates plus general dumping of takeaway packaging, cans and paper. The back entries which the shops/eateries in this vicinity simply dump all manner of rubbish with impunity.
They added: “Both my wife and I are both elderly pensioners and we 100% oppose any granting of this application as we already have enough of non-residents continuously parking their vehicles on the corner of Aigburth Road at all times and emptying their vehicle litter on the road. I strongly oppose any granting of licence in this respect and will seek legal redress should my opposition be ignored.”
Another concerned local described the hours that are being requested to stay open and serve alcohol are ‘disgusting’, adding: “This is a residential area and we are losing our neighbourhood to people who think that they can come into it and disrupt our peace and to even think of giving these premises a licence would be wrong in every way for the residents and their wellbeing.”
After concerns were raised, the applicant has agreed on several conditions suggested by Merseyside Police. This includes the fact that the premises will not operate as a ‘vertical drinking establishment’ and that its primary use will be as a restaurant, with alcohol only served with meals at tables.
Staff will also be trained in the contents of the premises licence including times of operation, licensable activities and all conditions relating to their job roles. An incident book will also be maintained to record any activity of violent, criminal or anti-social incidents.