‘Has anyone seen this weird thing travelling slowly across the sky?’
‘Has anyone seen this weird thing travelling slowly across the sky?’
Strange phenomenon seen in the sky across Merseyside and beyond
People were left scratching their heads after spotting a strange phenomenon in the sky. The bright light was spotted by people miles apart, including Southport, Anfield, Halewood, Wirral, Maghull and other parts of the UK.
In footage sent to the ECHO, the light appears to spin as it moves across the sky. One woman in Halewood took a video after witnessing the lights and sent it to the ECHO. She said the strange lights looked like a “white swirling galaxy floating” above her house.
She added the lights “moved slowly from the north to the south across the sky. Something came off it and shot across the sky like a shooting star. Mad!
“It will be interesting to see if anyone else has seen it. My son’s friend just messaged to say he was watching it in the sky too but he lives in Cheltenham!”
Many took to social media to question what the lights could be. One confused user said: “Has anyone seen this weird thing travelling slowly across the sky? The spiral clouds expanded and then faded. I’ve heard it could be related to Space X.”
Another commented: “Possibly a plane dumped some fuel, it can appear as a vortex like effect due to low temperatures at altitude and the disturbed air behind the aircraft. Apparently Elon Muskrat sent up another rocket tonight, it was probably a fuel dump from that. SpaceX Falcon 9 NROL-69.”
Did you see it? Let us know in the comments below
A third described it as “beautiful”. They said: “This was in space, not in earth’s atmosphere. Very possibly an explosion of some space equipment, large one. I wish this was a supernova but I doubt that, it was beautiful.” Another simply said: “Aliens.”
Another said: “Wasn’t it brilliant! So fascinating to watch.” Another user added: “Did anyone else see that thing in the sky? Birkenhead north. It looked like a star, with smoke round it. Then it vanished. Then appeared again with lights and smoke round it. It looked like it was spinning. So weird.”
Another wrote: “Apparently it is the Space X rocket that launched and it’s very rare but when they dump excess fuel it causes ice crystals to form and creates a vortex!”
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