Bloomberg Television brings you the latest news and analysis leading up to the final minutes and seconds before and after the closing bell on Wall Street. Today’s guests are Gene Munster, Deepwater Asset Management, Crystal Tse, Bloomberg News, Laura Champine, Loop Capital Markets, Paul Krugman, Nobel Laureate in Economics, CUNY Distinguished Professor and Author, Stefan Slowinski, BNP Paribas Exane, Julie Biel, Kayne Anderson Rudnick, Bailey Lipschultz, Bloomberg News, Christopher Cain, Bloomberg News, David Gura, Bloomberg News, Henrietta Treyz, Veda Partners, Victor Yarbaugh, Brough Brothers, Ryan Close, Bartesian, Erin Lichy, Mezcalum, Connie McDonald, Levain Bakery, Pam Weekes, Levain Bakery, Anna Wong, Bloomberg News. (Source: Bloomberg)