Before Grammy award-winning musician Kid Rock’s Washington DC performance scheduled for Sunday, January 19, President-elect Donald Trump allegedly had one question for the inauguration event performer, according to The Daily Beast. “Friday morning I got a call from the President and [Trump’s spouse] Melania and it was kind of mind-blowing,” Kid Rock said during a Fox & Friends interview Sunday.”I’ve tried to leave him alone, he’s got a lot on his plate, I would think, right now,” the rapper and singer told the co-hosts. READ MORE: ‘Spent thousands’: Trump fans who traveled to DC furious after inauguration moved indoors”He called and he goes, ‘Did the Secret Service really tell you that you can’t use strippers?'”Per the Beast, the incoming president “got second-hand word of a joke” Kid Rock “made and, not knowing whether it was serious, called to see if the federal law enforcement agency had indeed banned pole dancers from his victory rally at Capital One Arena.”In response to Trump’s inquiry, the longtime rock performer replied, “No, sir, I was just joking around.”The MAGA leader replied, “Ah, that’s funny,” said Kid Rock.READ MORE: Treasury secretary says she’ll take ‘extraordinary measures’ day after Trump inaugurationThe Daily Beast’s full report is available here (subscription required).