Eni Aluko, a renowned football pundit and former England striker, has recently expressed her fear for personal safety following a series of controversial comments made by Joey Barton on social media. Aluko disclosed that she has been confined to her home, feeling threatened and uneasy due to the nature of Barton’s remarks.
Aluko announced that she is pursuing legal action after Barton’s alarming comparison of her and fellow ITV presenter Lucy Ward to notorious serial killers Fred and Rose West, who were convicted of torturing and murdering multiple women between 1967 and 1987. Additionally, Barton likened Aluko to historical figures such as Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot, infamous for their roles in mass atrocities.
In a candid 15-minute video posted on Instagram, Aluko addressed the severity of online abuse and its potential consequences. She emphasized the impact that hate speech, racism, sexism, and misogyny have on women in sports broadcasting and beyond. Aluko’s statement highlighted the pressing issue of cyberbullying and its real-life implications.
Aluko’s revelation about her fear and the precautionary measures she has taken, including not leaving her house for an extended period, underscores the distress and anxiety caused by such online attacks. She stressed that her intention in speaking out is not to elicit sympathy but to shed light on the harsh realities faced by females in the public eye, particularly in the sports industry.
The incident has sparked a broader discussion about the treatment of women in sports media and the responsibilities of public figures in using their platforms respectfully and responsibly.