The death toll resulting from a devastating fire in a Johannesburg building, referred to as a “hijacked” structure, has tragically climbed to 73 individuals, with 52 others injured. This dire situation has prompted authorities to question the reasons behind the occupation of the building.
While the precise cause of the fire within the five-story building remains subject to investigation, officials have revealed that the space within the city’s central business district had been left abandoned and subsequently occupied by squatters. Most of these occupants are immigrants who have journeyed to South Africa’s largest city in pursuit of a better life. Tragically, such buildings, often referred to as “hijacked” due to their unlawful occupation, frequently lack proper electrical connections and utilities.
Robert Mulaudzi, a spokesperson for the city’s emergency services, highlighted that the building’s interior had been transformed into hundreds of makeshift settlements. The fire broke out at approximately 1:30 a.m. local time when numerous occupants were asleep.
In a concerted effort, city officials continued their search and rescue operations throughout Thursday, working tirelessly to locate survivors and recover bodies amidst the devastation.
Acknowledging the gravity of the situation, the city expressed its heartfelt condolences to the affected families via social media. It underlined the unwavering commitment of Mayor Kabelo Gwamanda and Council Speaker Colleen Makhubele to offer steadfast support during this challenging period.
Makhubele emphasized that preventive measures could have averted the fire. However, the city’s endeavors to curtail the illegal occupation of abandoned structures have encountered legal hurdles posed by nonprofit organizations and civil society groups.