Renowned filmmaker Martin Scorsese has thrown his weight behind Iranian director Saeed Roustaee, who has been imprisoned for presenting his film at the Cannes Film Festival without official government authorization. Roustaee’s film, “Leila’s Brothers,” made its debut at the prestigious French festival in 2022 and was sentenced to six months in jail by an Iranian court.
The decision to imprison the director sparked significant controversy, with festival organizers emphasizing that it constitutes a grave violation of free speech. Scorsese joined the cause by endorsing a petition that demands justice for both Roustaee and the film’s producer, Javad Noruzbegi.
Reports from Iranian media indicate that Roustaee and Noruzbegi were found guilty of contributing to propaganda against the Islamic system. “Leila’s Brothers” explores the economic challenges confronting a family in Tehran. The film had already been banned within Iran for its unauthorized entry into international film festivals. Additionally, the culture ministry’s request to modify the film was declined by the director.
Although the filmmakers are set to serve a jail term, the Etemad newspaper reveals that they will only serve a fraction of the sentence, around nine days, with the remainder being suspended over five years. During the suspension period, both Roustaee and Noruzbegi will be mandated to undertake a film-making course, uphold national and ethical interests, and refrain from collaborating with other cinema professionals. Furthermore, Roustaee faces a five-year prohibition from engaging in any cinematic work.
“Leila’s Brothers” garnered significant attention at Cannes, competing for the prestigious Palme d’Or and ultimately securing the International Federation of Film Critics (Fipresci) award.
The Cannes Festival released a statement condemning the ban as a blatant infringement on free speech and an attack on Iranian artists, filmmakers, and technicians. The festival expressed unwavering support for those facing adversity due to their creative pursuits, reaffirming that Cannes remains a haven for artistic expression.